Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Barbie's Israel Vacation

Don't forget your passport, Barbie!

Gosh, it's been weeks since we've gotten back from vacation, and I am only now getting to post some of my pics. Don't forget your passport, Barbie! (How come I had to get a new passport after only ten years, but Barbie's had hers for nearly 30?)

I love Barbie's travel socks (actually Ken's socks
from the original Barbie and the Rockers!).

We had to change planes at Newark, but Barbie didn't mind. See how cheerful she is, waving? That's because I had to schlep all the luggage.

Barbie's first view of Israel: El Al planes on the tarmac. It had been a long flight, but the journey was just beginning!

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