Saturday, July 28, 2012

Barbie Loved the Flowers in Rosh Pinna

Barbie's favorite time was probably the morning we spent in the historic area of Rosh Pinna, which boasts the most gorgeous flowers we've ever seen.

The view overlooking the fields below was phenomenal.

Don't touch those sabras, Barbie! They're prickly!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Barbie in Jerusalem

We shared our ice cream at the Jerusalem Zoo.

We got to Jerusalem in the middle of a heat wave, but of course Barbie had to button up in modest clothing, anyway!

Barbie at the Western Wall

The biggest excitement came when we visited the Western Wall. Barbie actually got to climb right up and have a seat! (Okay, so technically that is the southwestern corner of the Temple Mount, but it's still pretty cool, huh?)

Look, a Barbie-scale model of Jerusalem during second-Temple times at the Israel Museum!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Barbie Sees the Desert

I love her camera. It's circa 1982 or so,
but it still looks good (just think
digital instead of regular film).

We traveled by tour bus, so Barbie got to see the Negev desert in air conditioned comfort.

Don't lose your adorable yellow sneaker, Barbie!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Barbie's Israel Vacation

Don't forget your passport, Barbie!

Gosh, it's been weeks since we've gotten back from vacation, and I am only now getting to post some of my pics. Don't forget your passport, Barbie! (How come I had to get a new passport after only ten years, but Barbie's had hers for nearly 30?)

I love Barbie's travel socks (actually Ken's socks
from the original Barbie and the Rockers!).

We had to change planes at Newark, but Barbie didn't mind. See how cheerful she is, waving? That's because I had to schlep all the luggage.

Barbie's first view of Israel: El Al planes on the tarmac. It had been a long flight, but the journey was just beginning!