Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Suitable Suitor for Hula Honey

Who's at the door? Why, it's Ken Bieber! And he's wearing Tropical Ken's shorts and lei, circa 1985! Well, Hula Honey, here's your man.

What's that? You brought a gift for your date, Ken? A giant pineapple? Isn't that . . . something. Have a nice time on your date, you guys!

Pssst, Ken -- you know she's totally out of your league, man. Next time try flowers and chocolate, at least. And dude -- bulk up your thighs a little. They're not supposed to be smaller than your calves!


  1. Ken looks like he enjoyed too much of the puffy stuff last night. I sure hope he doesn't make a fool of himself out with Hula Honey.

  2. Ha! He's my only Ken. My "vintage" ones finally bit the dust — their heads fell off — so my mother-in-law got this one for Girl. She doesn't use him, though, so I'm sure she won't mind me borrowing him for some photos!
