Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A date with Ken Bieber

What did you say, Hula Honey?  Ahh, you've decided what to wear.
Shut the front door!  Ken is going to Bieber dumbfounded by your beauty. Take it easy on him, Hula.  The first time, at least . . . 

A Suitable Suitor for Hula Honey

Who's at the door? Why, it's Ken Bieber! And he's wearing Tropical Ken's shorts and lei, circa 1985! Well, Hula Honey, here's your man.

What's that? You brought a gift for your date, Ken? A giant pineapple? Isn't that . . . something. Have a nice time on your date, you guys!

Pssst, Ken -- you know she's totally out of your league, man. Next time try flowers and chocolate, at least. And dude -- bulk up your thighs a little. They're not supposed to be smaller than your calves!

Monday, February 27, 2012

West is best!

Since my partner in crime theclevercat published such a lovely hub about her collectible Western pinup Barbie yesterday, I thought that perhaps I ought to lighten the mood by showing some photos of my own Western pinup Barbie -- that is, Western Barbie, circa 1981 (the Dolly Parton in the Best Little Whorehouse in Texas era). Unfortunately, that Barbie had to be put down after her eye became stuck in winking position and it made her look like she'd had a stroke. Yet some of her accoutrements survive. Note her fancy inscribed boots and her durable rubbery cowgirl hat.

I had a horse for her to ride, as well, but I'll save pics of that for another day. (This horse was awesome, and believe it or not, I've still got almost all the tack! Also a mystery winch that I can't remember the origin of, but I used to make the horse pull all the time. Poor Dallas! You were not meant to be a draft horse!)

I loved the heck out of that doll, even after her jumpsuit split down the front and exposed her Dolly Partonish proportions to the world. I no longer have the jumpsuit, but I have something nearly as good — Golden Barbie dressed in a (yup, you guessed it) golden version of Western Barbie's outfit — in paper doll form! Enjoy!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Barbie lovers, unite!

Alexis Clipboard
Welcome to our Barbie blog! Thank you for visiting.

We've been collecting Barbies and Barbie clothes for as long as we can remember, and want to share our knowledge and pictures with you all.

Not only will this blog will be the repository for Barbie wants and wish lists, it will also show (show off?) the beautiful ones we're lucky enough to own.

We welcome what you have to say, so comment away.  Let's be beautiful together!